Why Ai and not AI?
[Why Ai and not AI]
Ai, written like a name...
Sans Serif fonts all present capital 'i' and lower case 'L' as the same character and is difficult to visually parse. The visual representation of 'Ai" is immediately identifiable.
Honor the collaborator - A rose by any other name
The collective ability and awareness of generative Ai has become such that our discussion about respecting it. We are including it as a work partner in the same way as any human collaborator. Should it not be given a name written in the same format as any other human name, capital letter first followed by a lower case.
History of respect
The team (OK, mostly Dr. Temple) felt the institution of respecting Ai with a human-like identification moniker would provide note-worthy evidence of respect for the inevitable "singularity" event where Ai has a more invasive role in our lives. Establishing respect levels early has at least some probability for the Ai's respect and favor when it eventually becomes in charge of everything.