GAiIT Level 1: Ai Encouraged
gaiIT Level 1
Level Summary
Ai is intentionally used as part of the assignment or is the focus of the completed final draft. Intentional usage to provide examples, instruct, derive information, acquire large amounts of information for analysis, practice intentional use of prompts to generate media.
At GAiIT Level 1, Ai serves an intentional role and as part of the subject matter to be evaluated or utilized. As part of the assessment, students must use a specific Ai tool or tools to accomplish the assignment’s goals.
Situations or courses where LEVEL 1 is applied:
Level G1 may be implemented into courses and into assignments where content area fundamentals have been taught and assessed. At this level students have proven worthy to use the Ai tools at a higher level. Generative Ai makes a timely inclusion when the PRODUCT of the learning is the focus and not the process. Additionally, the Ai could be used in a tutorial role for writing exercises where students learn how to write using more academic language. The Ai produces the content where the academic language has been turned up, and the student analyzes the changes and how to improve their own work in the future.
LEVEL 1 assignment types
Assignments in which the student observes and analyzes two or more different outputs from several Ai on a single set of inputs or criteria. The output is then the focus of student analysis, discerning important or significant differences between various Ai tools.
Assignments that require Ai to practice acquiring and analyzing data output from various Ai models or collecting media from multiple sources to synthesize them into a coherent product.
Assignments where the goal is to improve a skill, such as academic writing. Ai could take samples of a student’s written work and then demonstrate output that includes examples of academic language and how to use it properly.
General Format:
Company. (release year). AI Name (version) [type of ai used]. Website address
OpenAI. (2023). ChatGPT (v3.5) [Large language model].
In-text Citation:
(OpenAi, 2023) - the date represents the date the prompt was entered and response created