GAiIT Level 2: Discussion Points

[Expanded Use of Generative Ai Permitted]

Promoting Discussion

From an instructional design perspective, was this summative assignment appropriate to assess the students knowledge of literacy related deficiencies?

Additional questions for further discussion:

  • Would the inclusion of Ai at this level demand so much technical focus the student could lose focus on the subject in which they are supposed to be demonstrating their understanding?
  • At this level of Ai Inclusion, would it be of benefit to divert class time to demonstrate how to use these tools?
  • Does the inclusion and practice with the Ai provide an added value to the learning the student did in literacy (or any other subject that might demand this much Ai inclusion)?
  • How would you, as the instructor or course designer, rate the quality of the assessment product in terms of its finished quality professionalism? How do you think it would compare to a similar assignment where students a PowerPoint slide presentation or wrote a traditional academic paper?
  • Which of the aforementioned assessment types (including the e-magazine) would be most likely to be shared with the students professional peers?

Next: When projects are almost completely open to the use of General Ai, how does one tell that there has been an Ai abuse? Let's look into examples and evidence that could help identify when students cross the line.

When Students Cross the Line
All-GAiIT Levels