Motivations for Ai Abuse
[Ai goes to far]
Why students might abuse the limits on Ai

Most students want to do what is expected of them. However, that's not always true and sometimes even good students get caught into odd life-challenges that produce unforeseen and compromising situations for the students to navigate the decision to facilitate Ai beyond its recommended GAiIT Level.

You seen an abuse... now what?
Suggestions when students cross the line
Ai has EXPLODED onto the learning scape like an explosive shockwave traveling across the Nevada desert when the U.S. government was testing nukes back in the 1960s. Microsoft's Corporate Secretary Carolyn Frantz stated in a 2019 article that Ai would change the world's workforce - that was 2019! Did she have any idea that it would be where it is now?
More than just the work force, the "learn force," teachers, professors, and instructors everywhere have been washed over by this tidal wave of options for students. Our nation's instructional corps both K-12 and higher-ed have a daunting task to figure out how to manage these tools not as adversaries but as collaborators and advisors. We are all facing the same swell of causal events brought about by Ai at the same time.
With that in mind, great consideration centered on how to respond when students blow past the expected limits and turn in work that utilizes Ai past the point of it being a collaborator and more like a conspirator. Our first reaction when the line has been crossed decidedly encouraged questioning over accusation. As Dr. Temple suggested many times, "Be always the inquisitor, never the accuser." With that, our strategy begins with a conversation with the student and the work in question. The conversation could start with questions like:
- I'm curious about your post you made, can you go further into detail about 'x' and 'y'.
- Share with me your thoughts about the work, what brought about your entry and can you present more information on what 'x' had to do with 'y'?
The student could be confronted with suggestions like this:
- After our discussion, I have a suspicion that you may have used Ai beyond what we the assigned GAiIT level for the assignment. Use of Ai near impossible to prove at 100% certainty, so rather than giving the assignment a zero, as would be the case for confirmed academic dishonesty, I will offer you the ability to redo the assignment within the next 48 hours. Though, longer than that, the assignment will be given a zero.